Grocery Store Insurance
Your business is unique with significant risk. You need to cover your inventory, your parking lot, employees and large amounts of cash on hand along withe your customers.
W. A. George provides insurance for Grocery Store owners.
The policy provides the following coverage:
- Coverage to actual building structure
- Coverage to business personal property
- Coverage to store inventory
- And more...
Grocery Store Policy Highlights
Whether your grocery store is of the neighborhood or large chain variety, only W. A. George Insurance Agency gives owners like you this unique combination of property and casualty coverages and services in one comprehensive package.
Types of Coverage Limit per Occurrence
Broad form general liability……………………………………………$2,000,000
Building glass covered without sub-limit…………………………………...Included
Newly acquired buildings………………………………………………..$500,000
Newly acquired personal property………………………………………...$100,000
Ordinance or law (FC only)…………………………………………….......$50,000
- Tenant’s improvements and betterments included
Water damage backup of interior sewers/drains…………………………….$25,000
Debris removal additional coverage………………………………………...$25,000
Personal property off premises……………………………………………$25,000
Personal effects…………………………………………………………$10,000
Electronic data…………………………………………………………$100,000
Data breach advisory services……………………………………………Included
Off-premises sign coverage………………………………………………. $5,000
Types of Coverage Limit per Occurrence
- Illinois-only limit: $50,000
Outdoor property……………………………………………………………..$20,000
Pollution cleanup…………………………………………………………... $50,000
- Money and securities
- Counterfeit currency
- Forgery and alteration
- Extortion
- Funds transfer fraud
- Computer fraud
Employee Dishonesty……………………………………………………….$50,000
Products recall expense……………………………………………………...$5,000
Fine arts…………………………………………………………………….$10,000
Property of others…………………………………………………………..$10,000
Accounts receivable……………………………………………………….. $20,000
Valuable papers……………………………………………………………..$20,000
Spoilage in on-premises vehicles/trailers…………………………………$25,000
- Broadened building coverage (includes canopies, fuel tanks and gas pumps)
- Sponsored athletic evens---general liability
- Special events—general liability